Job Opening
Membership Manager
"In a library we are surrounded by many hundreds of dear friends."
Through Board service, Friends of the Hennepin County Library Directors enter into a relationship of trusteeship.
Collectively, Board members are responsible for:
- Support fundraising activities as a core function of Board membership.
- Actively understand, commit to and promote the organization’s mission and vision, serving as ambassador and advocate for Friends of HCL in the community.
- Recruit potential Board members who could make a significant contribution to the success of the organization.
- Act as a mentor to FHCL staff for professional development.
- Establish strategic goals and objectives consistent with the organization’s mission, monitor progress and continuously engage in strategic planning for the future.
- Establish policies that govern the operations of the organization and allow the staff to pursue the goals set forth for the organization.
- Approve organization’s annual operating budget, ensuring the infrastructure to carry out the work, and oversee the organization’s assets, promoting a culture of transparency that builds trust with stakeholders.
- Exercise fiduciary responsibility and ensure legal and ethical integrity.
- Hire, support and annually evaluate the organization’s staff leader.
- Participate in an annual Board self-assessment to gauge Board performance and functioning.
Board Directors serve a three-year term and may be elected to serve a second. In some cases, Board Directors may be elected to serve a third term.
Goals and Strategies
Accomplishing Our Mission